This course is included in the group of Expertise and Supporting Courses. This course studies the application of various statistical techniques to process quantitative data. Lecture materials cover the nature and function of statistics, types of data, normal curves and the use of normal curves, various inferential statistics such as correlation techniques, t-tests, ANOVA, chi-squared, and regression, as well as data processing practices. computer. Learning activities are in the form of face-to-face lectures, assignments, and practice in the computer lab. Assessment is done through assignments, mid-semester exams, and end-semester exams.

Mata kuliah ini termasuk dalam kelompok Mata Kuliah Bidang Keahlian dan Penunjang. Mata kuliah ini mempelajari penerapkan ber­bagai teknik statistik untuk me­ng­olah data kuantitatif. Materi perku­liahan mencakup hakikat dan fungsi statistik, jenis data, kurve normal dan pemakaian kurve normal, berbagai sta­tistik in­ferensial seperti teknik ko­relasi, t-tes, anova, chi-kuadrat, dan regresi, serta praktik olah data kom­puter. Kegiatan pem­belajaran berupa kuliah tatap muka, penugasan, dan praktik di lab komputer. Penilaian dilakukan melalui pemberian tugas, ujian tengah semester, dan ujian akhir semester.