This course is included in the group of Expertise and Supporting Courses. This course studies various theories (1) adequate knowledge and insight on appreciative and creative listening theory, (2) adequate skills in appreciative and creative listening, and (3) adequate ability in compiling audio programs. Lecture materials include the theory and application of appreciative listening, the application of appreciative listening, as well as the theory and practice of creative listening, and the practice of preparing audio programs. Lecture activities in the form of face-to-face lectures, discussions, and assignments. Assessment is done through assignments, mid-semester exams, and end-semester exams. The resulting product is a paper from each meeting.
kuliah ini termasuk dalam kelompok Mata Kuliah Bidang Keahlian dan Penunjang.
Mata kuliah ini mempelajari berbagai
macam teori (1) pengetahuan dan wawasan yang memadai tentang teori menyimak
apresiatif dan kreatif,
(2) keterampilan yang memadai dalam menyimak apresiatif dan kreatif, dan (3) kemampuan
yang memadai dalam menyusun program audio. Bahan kuliah meliputi teori
dan penerapan menyimak apresiatif, penerapan
menyimak apresiatif, serta teori dan praktik menyimak
kreatif, dan praktik
penyusunan program audio. Kegiatan perkuliahan berupa kuliah tatap muka, diskusi,
dan penugasan. Penilaian dilakukan melalui pemberian
tugas, ujian tengah
semester, dan ujian
akhir semester.